Dogs are constantly exposed to skin infections and bald patches, there are factors found everywhere that could be the cause of why your dogs are always scratching themselves. Common reasons are factors such as allergies, bugs, bacteria and the list goes on. This is why being a pet owner, at least a responsible one, is an expensive responsibility, with it being such a common problem, manufacturer these days has put in the effort of helping with pet owners solve or lighten some of their burden by providing pet food with functions, now you can just go to a pet store and at every corner you will see dog food that offers solutions to your problems!
Fresco is one of these brands that wants to help you, they have created their own Premium functional dog food that helps with Skin Management & Healthy Coat, it is delicious, nutritious and it makes your dog fur luscious! So let your dogs eat well, so they will look well, and are able to live well!