Chicory has always been used for high blood pressure, heart failure, loss of appetite, upset stomach, constipation, liver and gallbladder disorders, cancer, and rapid heartbeat.
Dried chicory root is a good source of inulin, a type of prebiotic fiber that has been linked to increased weight loss and improved gut health by maintaining healthy bacteria. This support of “healthy” bacteria in the gut is said to reduce the risk of certain diseases and improve the immune system. Dried chicory root has been found to contain up to 20% inulin.
The likely benefit of this Inulin in dog food is as a source of soluble fiber. Soluble fiber absorbs water during digestion ensuring that stool is a consistent and moist texture. Soluble fiber helps your dog digest its food effectively and pass its stool regularly.
Back2nature’s Grain Free Superpremium dog food is a great source of dried chicory root. If your dog suffers from weight issues and gut problems then its definitely time to give Back2Nature dog food a go and in no time, you can see the difference in your dog’s health.